Tuesday, November 25, 2008

9.1 My 3 wishes.

1. I want to fly in the sky. I want to go to anywhere easily because we spend too much time to go to foreign counties. When it's fine, I would want to fly in the sky. I think I can see magnificent views from the sky.
2. I want to eat my favorite foods until I satisfy. I don't want to be fat, so I cannot it. If I wouldn't be fat, I want to eat the foods when I want to eat.
3. I want to travel by bicycle around the world. I want to meet many pepole who are from other countries and see the beautiful scene and World Heritage Site. I'm interesting in World Heritage Site.

1 comment:

Barbara Drake said...

Hi, from Lima, Peru.

Your 3 wishes are fine ones! No. 1 (wanting to fly) is a wish that many human beings have had since time immemorial. (Remember Icarus?)

I, too, would love to be able to eat as much as I want without getting fat.

Biking around the world is a wonderful goal. As you say, you can meet other people this way. Biking also is environmentally conscious, since you are not creating emissions.